Project Athena - Day 273 (Freebie)

This Path is a Good Path

There was a time in my life when I believed that there was only one True Path (i.e. religion, healing modality, way of being in the world) and that everyone must be on that Path to reach enlightenment (heaven, nirvana, peace, happiness, bliss, freedom). That arrogance and false nobility cost me so much including friendships, love and acceptance of myself, and a sense of inner peace.

I don't know when things shifted exactly, but some where along my own path I came to realize that there are many good paths, deeply satisfying paths that lead to other good paths, and so far, this is all I know from my direct experience. I have yet to arrive at any place I would call enlightenment but I do feel peaceful and freedom not worrying so much about what path everyone else is taking. The simplicity of just knowing that I am on a good path (for me) makes life much more enjoyable.

Wood Pathway

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 18mm • F/22 • 1/25s • ISO 200

Project Athena - Day 272 (Freebie)

Barbed Wire

Let the spring thaw begin! It felt so great to be outside today in the warm sun, with no wind. I found myself revisiting a location I shot earlier on in this project but with new eyes, a new lens, and new skills.

I have a fascination with barbed wire. Who knows where that comes from but the textures and discoloration over time is very beautiful to these eyes. Today, the lighting was perfect for this shot. I can actually see the superior quality of the dynamic range and clarity of Sophia. She's a rock star.

Barbed Wire on a Post

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 66.2mm • F/5.3 • 1/170s • ISO 400

Project Athena - Day 271 (Freebie)

I'm Out!!

"I'm over this lady! How dare you put me in a box with bright lights and attempt to make clicking noises with that cold thinger that sits on a post. I don't care how much cat nip you offer, this was not my idea and you will not trick me into putting on my cute play face for you or signing any waivers. Surely, after 13 years, you should know that I sit in boxes of my own choosing, like the CostCo box. By the way, where is that box? Hissss. You call this art? I call it animal cruelty and just wait til my mom gets home! She's gonna hear all about your shenanigans. Now, if you will excuse me, I am stressed and I am gonna go eat and then puke."

Project Athena - Day 270 (Freebie)

Wood and Ice

It was a chilly, crisp day for shooting when the sun finally peaked through the blanket of clouds in the late afternoon. I was able to pull away from work, take a drive into the foothills and try out the new camera in 10˚ temps. She did great! It feels really satisfying to be cultivating a relationship with my new sidekick. I am learning more about her capabilities every time I pick her up and she continues to amaze me. Granted, we are still in the honeymoon phase but with spring coming, the days getting longer and the time change on the horizon, there is gonna be a whole lot of getting to know each other. Winky, winky.

Icicles Draped on a Wooden Fence

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 66.2mm • F/6.4 • 1/180s • ISO 500