Project Athena - Day 217 (Abstract)

I Have Found a Niche

I have been deeply moved by the tragic events this week in France. I have felt outrage, defiance, fear and bewilderment. And I am noticing all the ways I self-censor my creative and artistic expression to avoiding conflict, controversy or criticism. Deep down, I fear the kind of outcome that transpired in Paris. Where this existential fear comes from, I don't know. But it has often kept me silent, paralyzed, and playing small in the world. These appalling events have profoundly changed me somehow, though I am not able to tell to what extent just yet. It feels as though I am harnessing the outrage and transforming it into determination. The defiance is becoming courage; the fear is transmuting into courage and the bewilderment into clarity.

When I speak the absolute truth, I know who I am and that my full presence here is important. I don't feel a I need to change the world or leave a legacy. But it is essential that live the life I have been given to its fullest. The more authentically I express,  the more awareness of myself as love and the world can only benefit from that. Je suis Charlie.

Abstract Circles

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 55mm • F/10 • 1/25s • ISO 400


Project Athena - Day 216 (Abstract)

I'm a Fan

The blog must go on! Thanks to my generous partner Lara, I have a camera with which to shoot and it just happens to be the same exact type of camera as the one that decided to kick the bucket yesterday.

Speaking of fans....(like that segue?) I am considering a prize at the end of Project Athena to reward the biggest fan! That would be the person who likes the most facebook posts, makes the most comments, sends the most emails, gives the most feedback, donates the most money (just kidding), etc. The grand prize would be a mounted and framed print of your favorite picture from the blog.

I have had some very loyal followers from day 1 so for those of you just coming on board, you might have to skip some TV and go to the actual blog page to catch up plus remember to subscribe when you are there  so you don't miss another post.

Colored Paper Fan

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 55mm • F/5.6 • 1/6s • ISO 100

Project Athena - Day 215 (Abstract)

Her Final Words

Today's lesson...never let your camera hear you talk or even think about wanting a different camera. She will start to feel unwanted, unworthy and then start to have body issues. She will function just a little bit slower, with less enthusiasm for your blazing creative fire. Her SD slot will become frosty and you will have to reassure her at every outing that she's still desired. You will find yourself ever so gently inserting your SanDisk into her fastidious opening and then tenderly closing the door that you have thoughtfully padded to ensure there is some connection and even then, you pray she will remember what you shot. Unfortunately, if your DSLR hears you say you want to go with a mirrorless system, she'll try to give you what you want to avoid the heartache of a break up. She might even spit out her mirror in the middle of a picture and declare herself "mirrorless" right in front of your subjects and all. Such is the day I had with my mistress. I managed to get a couple of shots off before she stormed out of the room and told me to "go google myself." I think she meant I could find some self help videos on how to repair this mess. I personally just want to sleep on the matter and then see what tomorrow brings. I'm open to all possibilities.

Primordial Brew

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 35mm • F/5.6 • 1/25s • ISO 400

Project Athena - Day 214 (Abstract)

Swinging Pendulum

I am stepping out of my comfort zone and throwing away the guidelines for this week. This photo was an experiment in capturing a pendulum in motion. I had the idea pop in to my awareness and  before I could self-sensor, which has been a habit in the past, I said "Yes, I will try that!"

This one photo has generated inspiration for hundreds more ideas! Including a new theme for next week, which you will have to stay tuned to find out.

Swinging Pendulum

Nikon D3200 • Merged Photos